
Inside of Emotional Alchemy You Will Learn How to:

+ Awaken your Inner Masculine - the capacity to be present with the emotions that are causing you to stay stuck in self-sabotaging patterns.

+ Anchor in a new belief system that will facilitate transformation and freedom.

+ Understand what it means to step into being the Conscious Creator of your life.

​+ Use the formula for dissolving the emotional pain at the root of your blocks.

+ Stop being dominated by the Inner Critic and the Inner Victim.

+ Do shadow work in order to dissolve shame and supercharge who you really are.

+ Develop a relationship to your Inner Child and give yourself "the antidote" to your pain.

+ Work with the principles of emotional alchemy in order to make this process your own.

​+ Work with tools, journal prompts, meditation and visualization practices.

​+ Master repatterning so that you can continue to practice alchemizing your blocks in the future.

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